Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ice Sculpting the Modern Way or Rheingold

Ice Sculpting the Modern Way

Author: Robert Garlough

Written by a team of leading culinary educators and ice sculpting professionals, this is "must-have" for serious students, ice artisans, professional chefs and culinary educators interested in the sub-zero art. Written for both the novice and the accomplished artist, this book features the most current techniques in the industry including power tools and ice fusion for a unique presentation. The newest book published on ice sculpting in the last decade, Ice Sculpting the Modern Way is the definitive reference and training manual on the market today.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Art of Sculpting.

Chapter 2: Understanding the Medium: The Science of Ice.

Chapter 3: The Sculptor's Tools and Equipment.

Chapter 4: Safe Practices and Procedures.

Chapter 5: Mastering Shapes and Forms.

Chapter 6: Sculpting with Templates.

Chapter 7: Fusing: Joining Ice to Ice.

Chapter 8: The Ice Artisan's Studio.

Chapter 9: Methods of Transportation.

Chapter 10: Displaying and Lighting for Effect.

Chapter 11: Custom Design Techniques and Special Event Sculpting.

Chapter 12: Ice Sculpting Organization, Competitions and Festivals.

Chapter 13: The Business Side of Ice Sculpting.
Appendix A: Sculptures for the Beginning Sculptor.
Appendix B: Sculptures for the Intermediate Sculptor.
Appendix C: Sculptures for the Advanced Sculptor.
Appendix D: Additional Templates.
Appendix E: Suppliers.
Appendix F: Organizations.
Appendix G: Competitions. Glossary. Index.

Look this: Victory Beer or Shellfish

Rheingold: The German Wine Renaissance

Author: Owen Bird

In this provocative new book,Owen Bird writes frankly and with authority on the German wine industry; how it got into trouble and how it can rescue itself. He gives considerable insight into the pre-eminence of Riesling as driving the future of the industry. An in-depth analysis of German wine laws, labelling,competition from the New World and the advent of "flying winemaking" are all presented from a winemaking point of view. The steps taken by the German Wine Institute and the Verband Deutscher Pradikatsweinguter (VDP) to renew the image of German wine are compared and contrasted. For the first time in English, the new "Great Growths" Classification system launched by the VDP is explained and the individual terroirs discussed making this an ideal reference book and providing a current overview of the German wine industry.

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